Director of Quality Assurance and University Performance Dr. Etidal Salman Oreibi Al-Tamimi

Quality assurance and university performance

In the name of God
Praise be to God above Hamad Al-Hamidin, and prayers and peace be upon the most honorable of the prophets and messengers, Muhammad Al-Sadiq Al-Amin, and upon the God of the good and pure, and his chosen companions, and after:
The measure of the success of every institution, regardless of the type of service it provides, is the conformity of its work to standards (quality). This concept has become an imperative for every project, regardless of its direction, and since we work in an educational institution, we must follow successful steps to reach standard standards. Internationally, and from there to obtaining academic accreditation, and this is what the National Council seeks to improve the quality of education for all the educational group in Iraq,
The vision of the college in the pursuit of excellence and educational leadership and the establishment of its scientific mission and work to build a society that can compete and move forward to achieve its future aspirations, all of this made the college follow the steps approved by the institutions concerned with total quality, and self-evaluation above all is a very important part of these steps.
And after: We ask God Almighty to make our country distinguished in its achievements and giving, and to be on the level that enables us to serve our scientific generations.

Director of Quality Assurance and University Performance
Dr.. Etidal Salman Oreibi Al-Tamimi

Tasks of the Quality Assurance Division for the year 2019-2020

Within the framework of the internal regulations of the Quality Assurance Center at the college, falls within the tasks of the Quality Assurance Division at the college with the following


  1. Representation of the programs designed by the Quality Assurance Center at the college in order to evaluate performance and quality assurance, both academic and institutional, in light of the specifics of the committee on quality assurance and accreditation.
  2. The college adopts high strategies with regard to quality at the college level, which includes the mission, vision, goals and objectives, and directing the scientific departments to implement the directives issued by the Quality Assurance Center in the college in line with the ministerial quality assurance directives..
  3. Work to establish an integrated information system office for performance evaluation and quality assurance at the college.
  4. Follow-up of scientific and research activities in the departments so that the quality management can evaluate performance and ensure quality in the various scientific and administrative departments.
  5. Follow up on performance evaluation and quality assurance at the college, and submit an annual report to the ministry.
  6. Distribution of guiding boards to the scientific departments and the various departments of the college with regard to quality assurance and accreditationد.
  7. We join efforts in the scientific departments and the competent departments to prepare the college and prepare it for the stage of institutional accreditation.
  8. Preparing the annual report for performance evaluation and quality assurance in the college and submitting it to the dean of the college, who, in turn, submits it to the ministryة .
  9. Activating the role of the media within the college and publishing the college’s scientific and administrative activities to consolidate the culture of performance evaluation and quality assurance.